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Download and Decode Data

This system is designed to efficiently handle download raw data and decode data


Source code:

Technical: Spark

Language: Scalar


  • Data Ingestion: Download raw data from RPC services and save it to the data warehouse.
  • Data Decoding: Decode raw data into call and event tables according to the provided ABI.
  • Contract Information Retrieval: Fetch contract details (e.g., names, symbols, decimals of ERC20 tokens) from RPC services.
  • Parallel Processing: Execute jobs on multiple nodes of an AWS EMR cluster for enhanced efficiency.
  • Concurrent Data Handling: Download both historical and new data simultaneously.
  • Automatic Decoding: Automatically decode data when new ABI information is added.


  • Run by spark-submit on EMR cluster
  • Controlled and scheduled by Scheduler: Airflow

Jobs in this system

Crawler: Job downloads data from RPC Service and stores it in the blocks table (raw transactions and logs data) and block_trace table (raw traces data)

ExtractLog: Extract log data from blocks table and save into logs table

ExtractTransaction: Extract transaction data from blocks table save into transactions table

ExtraceTrace: Extract trace data from block_traces table and save into trace table

DecodeLog: Decode log data in logs table and save into event table. Example: erc20_evt_transfer

DecodeTransaction: Decode trace data in traces table and save into call table. Example: centrifuge_shelf_call_borrow

GetContractInfo: Using RPC to get information of contract from event or call table and save into info table.

All job of this Application will be managed, scheduled in Airflow

Example for how to decode new datasets of protocol

Step 1: Determine contract address of protocol

  • Using Dune as reference to find contract address

Step 2: From contract address of protocol, determine ABI of this contract

Step 3: Open CMS, add protocols with ABI

Step 4: Wait a minute and see new datasets in data warehouse